openqa-cli is a command-line utility for interacting with openQA. The tool is versatile and allows you to control and interact with an arbitrary openQA instance from the comfort of your command line.
Use local go modules
Studying the files and documenting findings
When dealing with go modules, sometimes it’s handy to test some changes from a local repository instead of using the upstream one. Now, go programs are typically relying only on the upstream packages.
pasta - stupid simple pastebin service
Studying the files and documenting findings
pasta is a stupid simple pastebin service for self-hosting. I started this project months ago because I was missing an easy, simple and no pain self-hosting solution.
Writing openQA tests in Python
Studying the files and documenting findings
Hidden gem - Show failures only in external results
Studying the files and documenting findings
I just recently discovered one of the hidden gems in the openQA WebUI: Show only failing tests in external results. Problem / User story Certain tests like ltp perform a series of tests within a test run and show the results as “External results”.
Setting up a new Rust project
Studying the files and documenting findings
Working with openQA via the command line
Studying the files and documenting findings
Hide IDE folders in git using a global gitignore
Studying the files and documenting findings
Integrated development environemnts (IDE) are using their own folders withing your code repositories to store their settings. This can become annoying when working on a git repository and they keep popping up as untracked files:
Related links
Studying the files and documenting findings
Checkout the following related blogs of some of my friends. Blogs are listed in no particular order Timo’s openSUSE Posts Cris' blog Zoltán’s Blog (do I have the accent right?
Working out of and in your homeoffice
Studying the files and documenting findings
Homeoffice is awesome for so many reasons I’ve worked remotely for more than a decade. Actually all of my software development career has been one where going to the office was the exception. Something I do occasionally to meet some of my colleagues. Actually when I see my colleagues it’s more typically at software conferences rather than company headquearters. Benefits that come with homeoffice are numerous: On paper I’ve got a 9-5 job I don’t need to move to do my job1 I can adjust to the demands of my personal life I can adjust to make my colleague’s life easier Drawbacks that come with homeoffice are numerous: